Mini Sand Garden

I recently made a little sand garden out of an old frying pan and some sand pilfered from the beach.

Drying the beach sand after washing with fresh water.
Drying the beach sand after washing with fresh water.

The sand is a little too coarse to make fine lines and detailed patterns. Despite having sifted it through a screen mesh, it still has a lot of little bits of crushed sea shell in it which gives it a rough texture.

The completed sand garden.
The completed sand garden.

After washing and drying the sand, I dumped it into an old frying pan someone downstairs left out to be recycled. Then I went about making a little rake and something to smooth the sand out with out of bamboo skewers and a pair of disposable chopsticks. I used hot glue to hold everything together. I apparently made the comb of the rake too fine since I can’t make any deep impressions in the sand, only small shallow ridges.

Close-up of the sand patterns.
Close-up of the sand patterns.

The interesting thing is that the shallow ridges can only be seen when the light hits it at a certain angle when small shadows are cast thus revealing any pattern traced in the sand. Under normal direct light, all that is seen is a flat surface of sand. But shine light onto the surface from the side and then the pattern comes alive.

Close-up of the rake made from bamboo skewers and disposable chopsticks.
Close-up of the rake made from bamboo skewers and disposable chopsticks.

Kind of like perspectives in life. Sometimes a very delicate and beautiful pattern is right before your eyes. You just need a little light shining from the right direction to see it.