Windowsill Water Garden: Part 1 – The Idea

I have a window sill with a lot of empty space. Currently, there are just a few lonely plants sitting there. Whenever I see an empty space, I usually come up with some wacky way to fill it up. So, for this space, what’s better than putting in a water garden!

When I was living in Taipei, I created a water garden/waterfall feature on the balcony of my apartment there. I got a lot of enjoyment out of that water garden. There were lots of weird plants that grew out of it and all the associated bugs like caterpillars, spiders, and praying mantises it attracted. For a long time I even had a bunch of colorful fish happily living in it. Though my current tiny window sill won’t allow as big a water garden, I can put in something on a smaller scale.

Previously, I had used some clay urns and one potting container to hold the water. This time, it’ll all be plastic potting containers. Luckily, I was able to find some rectangular ones with just the right size to fit in the allotted space.

I plan to stack them one upon the other an use a water pump to lift the water to the topmost one and have the water cascade down. Beside giving a nice babbling brook sound, this will aerate the water and help prevent algae from building up and prevent mosquitoes from breeding in it. Any still body of water in a hot semi-tropical place like Taiwan get’s gross pretty fast if it’s not kept moving constantly.

I now have the parts. Stay tuned for when I actually build this up!